Started professional news career as a sports reporter for the daily Olympian (Wash.) Promoted to special sections editor, then assistant sports editor over nine-year employment.
Moved to Port Townsend to report for the daily, then the weekly, there. Operated a FedEx contract for seven years after leaving journalism.
Arrived in Skamania County in August 2011 to take the helm of The Skamania County Pioneer.
Grayling is the last cat foisted upon me though her owner also tried to get me to take her brother. That cat was so traumatized, I said “No,” that’s it.
Grayling is named for a type of salmon in England as well as for the character of Dr. Grayling Russell in the BBC series “Inspector Morse.”
She’s like a slobbering dog always licking the petting hand. She also sits in a chair with her belly up like Winston Churchill would’ve, I imagine.
As of 2024, Grayling is 14 years old.
Reddy or Reddi or Red was the first cat which escaped the same woman who liked Grayling and her brother as kittens but lost interest when they grew out of that phase.
Reddi was more traumatized than Grayling and she’s only calming down now that she’s 15 or 16 years old and twice as heavy as in this photo taken just half a decade ago.
She thinks she’s my alarm clock. Every morning at the crack of dawn, she howls to be fed. I come close to kicking her but she always cowers, making me sad that her first owner prompted that response in her from a very early age.