I find myself in the uncomfortable position that I must once more chide a professional public relations employee of Washington state government that notifying a weekly newspaper less than one week before an event is a disservice to my subscribers. This paper, like many weeklies in the state, publishes on Wednesdays. My next edition is Wednesday, Jan. 17.

This press release is therefore useless.

The particular day has been observed for over 100 years, yet you don’t have the foresight to send out date-sensitive materials far in advance so the dozens of weekly newspapers in the state can publish the information.

You might shrug off my observation. After all, in our modern days, there’s social dis-media where the information can be posted at any time.

I earned being an old fuddy duddy by living this long, and I have no interest in surrendering a 131 effort to publish a newspaper to corporations which don’t have the best interests of their customers in mind.